
producer - consumption country joint session in Jiddah

An oil producer - consumption country joint session in Jiddah was dollar selling in the Sydney market what you would expect yesterday whether the others of the increase in production of daily output 200,000 barrel by Saudi Arabia were because there was nothing. Euro 1.5635 seem to have returned to the area. While リクイディティ is thin; as for the observation by the morning turn dealer that the offer contained it from 1.5635-40 well.
By the way, I tried it over 168.10 in the Euro yen that I was sold on Friday, and was finished, an NY market, but fortunately fell back regardless of the result of the meeting. The buying of the cross yen that foresaw Japanese bonus moon → yen sale would be out of breath. Do it today as Euro yen shortstop,; but ...
It is FOMC this week. How will about running about in utter confusion only in an FX market as if I have become the oil interlocking movement market, American interest rate policy?

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